Join the Democratic Party, Join the Resistance

Nearly half of the money donated comes back to Sauk County

Yard Signs for Susan Crawford
Meet Judge Crawford
We have yard signs available for Judge Susan Crawford, Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate. Her election to the Court is essential to protect our voting rights, worker rights, and womens' rights.
Signs may be picked up at the Democratic Party of Sauk County office at S4066 Hwy BD, Suite 8, Baraboo. Look for the Defend Democracy banner, near the Flooring Center. If you are homebound or without transportation you can order signs to be delivered by filling out this form:Order Sign
Your vote and get-out-the-vote help is essential to electing Judge Crawford. Please consider joining the Democratic Party this year, if you are not a member. To join the Democratic Party of Sauk County and Wisconsin click on the link below. You will see all the information needed to join. You can pay for membership through Act Blue, PayPal, credit card, or leave the site with no obligation: new Membership Page. The Sauk Dems office has envelopes to pay by check.
The Democratic Party needs your help with get-out-the-vote activities from now until April 1st. If you can find the time, we need volunteers to call or knock on doors of potential voters. We will provide training and support for you. If you feel unable to call or canvass there is a need for people to enter data, keep the office open, staple, deliver yard signs, and much more.

Dem. Party of Sauk Co. Gen. Membership Meeting
3rd Thursday of the month, agenda:
6:00 pm Potluck, 6:30 pm Speaker, 7:00 pm Business Meeting
Check your e-mail and our Facebook page for updates.
Questions? Call and leave a message 608.448.2127 or write

The Democratic Party of Sauk County office
S4066 Hwy BD Suite #8, Baraboo
across the parking lot from the Flooring Center
Office Schedule 608.448.2127
Schedule updated Jan. 14
Monday NOON -- 3:00PM
Tuesday 11:00AM -- 2:00PM
Wednesday NOON -- 3:00PM
Thursday 9:00AM -- NOON 2:00PM -- 6:00PM
Friday 9:00AM -- NOON
Saturday 1:00PM -- 4:00PM
Call 1.608.448.2127 We rely on volunteers to keep our office open.
There could be unanticipated schedule changes!
Call first if you are coming a long distance.

My Voter Info, Register to Vote, What's on My Ballot, Find My Polling Place.

What Say You?
Letters to the Chair

Join the Democratic Party

Nearly half of the money donated comes back to Sauk County

News Stories List
News From Your Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair
Tribal President Fires Back at Legislator
(Republican Racism is Exposed, Again)
Vos's Redistricting Plan Sign of Weakness for Wisconsin GOP
Are Wisconsin's election maps 'rigged'? Here are the reasons the answer is yes
Wisconsin's Democratic governor rejects GOP's surprise redistricting plan
Gov. Evers Blasts Latest GOP Effort to Interfere in Wisconsin Elections
GOP plot would negate Wisconsin Supreme Court election
Republicans Target Wisconsin's Election Chief for Removal, Fueled by Falsehoods
Sauk County benefitting from Gov. Tony Evers' investment in rural transportation.
How Democracy Nearly Died in Wisconsin
Life Inside Wisconsin's Most Polarized and Predictive County
Fears Over Fate of Democracy Leave Many Voters Frustrated and Resigned

See Pictures from the 2024 Sauk County Fair and Parades.

Who we are

Who our leaders are

Who we stand for

How to get involved

Find us on Facebook

Authorized and Paid for by the Democratic Party of Sauk County
Susan Knower, chair
Mary Friesen, treasurer
© 2025